- 「文明」があまりにも巨大化したから、かつては可能だった「文化」が「文明」に参加しないという選択肢がもう消えている。
- 「文化」と「文明」が互恵的な交流を続けた結果、もうすでに大半の「文化」が「文明」なしに生きられなくなった。つまり共生状態に入ったから。例えば日本の「地方文化」の殆どはもはや独立不可能である。
- 「文明」の力が圧倒的になった結果、「文明」の恩恵を受けられない「文化」は圧倒的不利となった。
コメント一覧 (4)
I checked 地域の固有性を守るためにも、グローバル化に関与しなければならない。
His global and local and yours are slightly different, though it does not matter since you are not mixing them up. I see his points but it can be presented better. It seems that your blog is more logical than his. I cannot believe he wrote so many books. His phrases are often illogical but if he claims that that is Japanese logic then that is fine. It seems he is more of a writer than a scientist in his writing.
I do not think his examples of local cultures are good. I am writing this in Cambridge UK and was in the US before so I know what he is talking about. People who have been abroad can say half-baked cheap junks to Japanese since they cannot validate claims of writers.
He is mixing up with a private individual and larger town level events. It is just a metaphor so I should not be so critical but it is crucial to understand set the structure or hierarchy of society right in order to discuss complicated subject.
*Local (culture)
ヒース・ロビンソン=a private individual known in UK
アメリカの田舎の夏を飾る フェア= regional
浅草の三社祭= regional
「ロングテール」な領域 = The Long tail (numerous minor products which generate profits by selling in a large quantity on the net.)
For this, he should have mentioned “Cambridgeshire Strawberry Fair “ that is a local festival equivalent to fairs in his essay. In Antwerp, Cambridge, UK, US and Canada has summer fairs which consist of many fairground attractions. These fairs maintain low quality food stands which are very similar to Japanese “yatais". Some dubious people open these shops selling questionable and overpriced unhealthy foods.
*Global (civilization)
=internet civilization
I do not know what he means by this.
What is “その存在条件”? And I am not sure which of a global civilization or a local culture is going to change. I think this sentence is ambiguous.
People often use
*Multiculturalism = Canada, Wallon etc
*Interculturalism (with universal human right)=Flanders
Meta-culture=this means combining different cultures by integrating similar parts of many cultures as a common cultural part while by adding different parts of cultures without mixing them as supplemental sub-cultural components while maintaining the overall integrity of the common culture.
This definition is borrowed from "meta-genomics". (Probably a program language "ruby" is a meta-program which combines many other languages.)
to understand set="set" should not be there. and some more minor errors...
By the way, "yuu" just dropped by to assassinate "liberal" comments in another post. It is interesting to see these right wing nationalists write in English. He may have wanted to claim or prove the superiority of Yamato -Japanese who migrated from China and Korea long time ago in Yayoi period and afterward. In many occasions in history China and Korea possessed more advanced skills than Japanese, though Japanese did better in 17-18th centuries. But his logic and English are so poor and he just proved himself to be incompetent. I can understand such incompetent people afraid others whom he does not understand.
But of curse there are many legitimate problems associated with immigration. It is possible to write very constructive criticism of liberal immigration policy since no county settled perfect immigration policies that satisfy all classes of society. But many people fail to do so. In 1995 Cato institute wrote a report saying that immigration at any levels do not suppressed the pay. And American and Spanish farmers cannot find enough people to pick up vegetables if immigrants or seasonal guest workers stop coming so it is not even competitions.
Immigration will introduce serious questions about the definition of a nation, a people, laws and rights. So overall, immigration can cause more serious damage in social stability than in economic stability. Positive impacts may much bigger in reality, but native people with lower skills and media may focus on negative damages much more.
By the way, I am in a position that passive acceptance of immigration in Japan is already in progress. I am not sure this is an intent of the government or not.
But In order to have stable immigration we must guarantee or consider the following rights.
Human rights/civil rights
• Protection of life, liberty, and property
• Due process of law
• Rights of association in economy, civil society, and cultural life
• Freedom of speech and opinion
Social rights
• Collective bargaining and trade unions
• Old age pensions
• Unemployment benefits
• Health care
• Housing/child care/educational subsides
Cultural rights
• Schooling in own language
• Cultural and art subsidies
Political rights
• Run for, hold, and vote for office at all levels (local, regional, and national)
• Establish political, civil, and cultural associations
• Military service
If we can set these things right then immigrants in Japan will be happier.
Here are some prevalent negative attitude for immigration:
Parochialism: not learning from history.
Xenophobic and Xenophilic Demagoguery. The second obstacle to overcome is xenophobic demagoguery.
Knee-Jerkism. The third barrier to reform is “knee-jerkism.” Immigration issues are often as complicated as they are controversial. Quick fixes that are offered as solutions usually fail to appreciate the complexities of the multiple issues involved, they overlook long-term consequences, and they can lead to unexpected consequences.”
Perfectionism. The fourth path to policy failure is the insistence that proposed remedies be perfect in their execution or else they cannot be enacted or must be repealed.
His global and local and yours are slightly different, though it does not matter since you are not mixing them up.
I agree, but there may be different between what I said and what I thought. I still need to understand and describe. However the most difficult point is how to explain my understanding to everyone. Some people may not want to have a logical phrase. Or they will misunderstand.
Meta-culture=this means combining different cultures by integrating similar parts of many cultures as a common cultural part while by adding different parts of cultures without mixing them as supplemental sub-cultural components while maintaining the overall integrity of the common culture.
"Meta-" is quite difficult to translate but it looks great. It does explain the role of global, which is a glue of local-cultures.
I just cite the definitions of pangenome and metagenome, and you can draw some similarity when pan- and meta- are applied to culture.
The pangenome includes the "core genome" containing genes present in all strains, a "dispensable genome" containing genes present in two or more strains, and finally "unique genes" specific to single strains.
=>The panculture includes the "core culture" containing customs present in all nations, a "dispensable culture" containing customs present in two or more nations, and finally "unique customs" specific to single nations.
Metagenomics is the study of metagenomes, genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. The term metagenome referenced the idea that a collection of genes sequenced from the environment could be analyzed in a way analogous to the study of a single genome.
=>Metaculture is the study of metacultures, customs recovered directly from global samples. The term metaculture referenced the idea that a collection of customs collected from the globe could be analyzed in a way analogous to the study of a single culture.